Fairs of District 5
Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies

OAAS Day at the CNE

OAAS Day at the CNE is on FRIDAY, AUGUST 23

Thanks to the CNE for once again providing free space for their members to set up a booth. This year the OAAS Day at the CNE is on FRIDAY, AUGUST 23. We have the space from 10:00 am until 10:00 pm and need to ensure that there is always someone at the booth so we are looking for interested volunteers. Everyone who volunteers, before the deadline, will receive an admission pass, and if requested (and while they last) a parking pass.

While the CNE takes place in District 5 we encourage volunteers from all OAAS Districts. The deadline to sign up as a booth volunteer is Monday, June 24. Please email me at woodbridgefair@yahoo.com or jkean@toronto.anglican.ca with your name, contact information (email and phone number) and availability during the day plus your OAAS District number and your home fair and/or Agricultural Society.

While our main goal is to promote the OAAS and all Ontario Fairs everyone volunteering in the booth is encouraged to bring flyers and information to promote their home fair. Please note – give away items only, we are not allowed to sell anything. We like to dress the booth up. We will have two or three pull up displays from OAAS but other than that the decorations are up to us. We have several tables and plenty of wall space to display posters so if you have any ideas please share them with me. Keep in mind that we are only able to affix items to the walls with Velcro. We are going to do a kids craft again this year to help draw families into the booth, if you have an easy craft idea that has worked at your fair please let me know.

We always have a great time at the booth so please consider joining us to help celebrate and promote Ontario Fairs. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email or call.

Thank you,
Jennipher Kean
District 5
Cell: 416-804-2994
Email: woodbridgefair@yahoo.com or jkean@toronto.anglican.ca


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