Fairs of District 5
Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies

Bring Our Fair Community Together

Dairy Show in District 5 - Sutton Fair

Discussion of this new website project began before COVID times, but we need to be connected now more than ever.

A website is undoubtedly one of those tools we can use to communicate. It’s an opportunity to share ideas and stay in contact with other fairs members in our district.  We all have similar issues.  Asking for help is a hard thing to do.  But there’s a chance someone in our community has an answer to your challenge.

The website can be a communication vehicle for sharing success stories and searching for solutions.  We are in the growing stages of developing content, and with your input, we can grow together.  The site has a members-only page with information about past meeting minutes and other content, which would not be appropriate for the general public.

While social media channels are also a method for sharing stories and staying connected, they are gradually becoming less effective at reaching our community members. Some social media posts get lost in the archives.  People are also becoming more distrustful of security and the use of their personal information.

Our district5fairs.ca also has a public area of the site that explains what District 5 is all about and its relation to individual fairs and our governing body, the OAAS.

On the site, you’ll find more messaging for the public about the origin of fairs and why our existence is vital to each of our local communities.

Most of us in an executive position or on a Board of Directors know that communication is key to success. We’ve probably also heard this familiar story about a missed meeting or deadline because someone in the office didn’t get an email.  The OAAS and District 5 usually send emails to each fair via one main contact email address. It’s then up to the Secretary or Manager to forward the information to the appropriate Board or Committee Member.  Now with District 5, each member of a Board, Executive or Staff can sign up for a membership. It’s free. We’ll send out newsletters that you can opt-out of at any time.

A membership will also give you access to the members-only area, which, as mentioned, is a work in progress, with new content added as we go forward.

So signup.  Please send us a message.  Share your story with a photo too, or tell us about your challenges. We’d love to hear from you.


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