Fairs of District 5
Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies

2021 Spring Meeting

virtual meeting

2021 Spring Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Via Zoom

As you can imagine, our spring meeting is once again going to be held virtually, over zoom.

The meeting will be on Saturday, April 17th, starting at 10:00am.   Because the meeting is virtual, we are not limiting attendance. Please encourage your president or other executive member to attend, but others are welcome too.

We will have a guest speaker who will be discussing issues and responsibilities surrounding public health and safety during Covid.  We will also be discussing the District Website, the Ambassadorial program, and updates from Provincial OAAS.

*** Also, please note that we are asking each fair, during roll call, to provide a brief summary of their plans for 2021, given the Covid situation now and projected into the fall.  So, please give this some thought before the meeting!

I will be sending out a more formal email with more details, and each fair will receive an invitation for the zoom meeting.  If you could, I would ask you to pre-register just by sending me a quick email stating the name and email address, and position in your Society, for whomever is attending.

If you have any contact updates, for email and phone numbers, please also let me know.

Zoom Protocols:

Please also note that the meeting will be recorded.   We ask that all participants remain muted during the meeting, unless advised otherwise.  Finally, some participants have limited wifi, so we may ask participants to turn off their video, to reduce bandwidth.

Thank you everyone for your understanding and cooperation.  If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them as best I can.

Thank you,

Jamie Maynard
OAAS District 5 Secretary-Treasurer

Click the titles below to download Agenda for upcoming meetings of District 5.


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