Fairs of District 5
Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies

2021 District 5 Ambassador Program

Congratulations to Shae-Lynn Reesor (Markham Fair) left in photo, for being named the 2021-2022 District 5 Ambassador, as well as Madelyn Grossi (Sutton Fair) for being awarded the title of 2021-2022 District 5 Ambassador Runner-up.

On June 19th, 2021, the OAAS District 5 Ambassador Program took place virtually! Ontario fair ambassadors representing agricultural societies from across District 5 competed to be awarded with the title of 2021-2022 District 5 Ambassador.

Congratulations to Shae-Lynn Reesor (Markham Fair) for being named the 2021-2022 District 5 Ambassador, as well as Madelyn Grossi (Sutton Fair) for being awarded the title of 2021-2022 District 5 Ambassador Runner-up.

This program would not have come to light without the dedicated support and guidance from the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies, District 5 and the fairs who sponsored our event. We would like to thank every fair that participated within the program; we look forward to growing each year.

The participants enjoyed a morning of activities during the June 19th program with a seminar led by Kathleen Douglass (Douglass leadership Group). Throughout the day, the ambassadors learned about volunteering and how to continue supporting their local community organizations in a sustainable way. The program began Thursday evening virtually with the participants spending ten minutes each with our three esteemed judges for the interview portion of the program. The ambassadors then presented their prepared speeches Saturday June 19th virtually on a variety of topics including agriculture, pride of place, and their home fair. The day concluded with each participant answering an impromptu question at random.

Matt Garwood (Elmvale Fair), Meghan Somerville (Sutton Fair) and Emma Somerville (Sutton Fair), OAAS District 5 Ambassador Committee Co-Chairs would like to thank everyone who volunteered to help make this program possible.

If any District 5 fair would like the 2021-2022 District 5 Ambassador to attend your virtual fair events or fairs next year, please contact Matt Garwood at 705-717-1707 or mattgarwood17@hotmail.com.

Matt Garwood, Meghan Somerville & Emma Sommerville
2021 OAAS District 5 Ambassador Committee Co-Chairs


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